Friday, April 1, 2011

DOMA Defeanse of Marriage Act

On the day of 03/28/11 In class we were talking about the Defense Act of Marriages which mean if you were to go another state that doesn't reconginze the same sex marriages then you'll hopeless because it's not much that you are able to do for your mate when your mate end up sick or maybe even die. But in my eyes I think that it is good because same sex shouldn't be allow...

Anit- Abortion billborad Yanked

In class today we were talking about Anit-Abortion which meaning against abortion. In the American lead you have many womans getting these abortion because of the fact that they can't either take care of the child the are going to have or either they not able to provide for it... But in my case I dont see why they need to have abortion because you have people would love to adopt a new born child not for the the money but for the love of the child...

Friday, February 11, 2011

My Class Voc. in SOCIOLOGY

My class voc. in sociology is interesting in so many ways, we use different strategys to do all of them, but the one I really like is MIX and MATCH, we also have clues and question their are many i can i name but i would like to study  the words that i already have done.